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When human beings experience trauma or severe life stressors, it is not uncommon for their lives to unravel. Shell’s great passion is bringing stability to people who are involved in the trauma of an emergency. He helps clients, those impacted by an emergency, often includes children, adults and families, to find steadiness among chaos. Emergency management was a part of Shell’s life from a young child as he grew up in a home with one of Alberta Forest Services great Fire Bosses (Incident Commanders). Shell graduated with magna cum laude from both business management and electronic engineering from Northern Alberta Institute of Technology and holds a journeyman instrumentation ticket. He has over 36 years’ experience in the energy industry and has spent the last 20 years specializing in Emergency Management. He has trained over 1000 responders in ICS, Emergency Management and Response. Shell is a co-founder of Mutual Aid Alberta where for the past 10 years sits as chair. He also CEO and President of Learned Response Group an emergency management company for the past 15 years. Learned Response Group has helped several Energy Companies exceed regulatory compliance in emergency management. Most important of all Shell is married to his best friend Susan and between the two of them raised 5 children where crisis management was a daily event. They are now blessed with 9 perfect grandchildren. 

Shell Clarke, Mutual Aid Alberta 
Chuck Brophy, Celsus Management, Inc.


Chuck is a seasoned Professional Engineer, entrepreneur, businessman, and systems architect. Of course we all know what ‘seasoned’ means. Fortunately, Chuck’s 40+ years of professional experience is actually 40+ years, not one year 40+ times. And the plus is a secret. In those years, Chuck has designed, built and operated oil and gas fields, facilities, and pipelines thanks to a post graduate stint at Amoco’s famed gas plant processing school. He has pioneered many technologies including building the first operational SCADA system in Western Canada, and engineering many of the basic tools and interfaces used in real-time and process control systems, utilities, and modern telecommunications. In his days as a real-time systems engineer for Hewlett-Packard, Chuck was the factory technical representative for HP’s real time systems across Canada and NW United States. From there his hardware and software adventures have built a group of software companies ranging from large scale GIS systems to web database design to data management. In the course of those adventures, Chuck attained certification as an Information Security Manager, and has conducted hundreds or more IT security designs, reviews and audits in field and corporate locations across a wide range of industries. You would think that with all that software and hardware experience, Chuck would implicitly trust the world of technology. Not so. He has also developed a consulting practice in the areas of risk management, business continuity, and disaster recovery. Ever the entrepreneur, Chuck constantly seeks new opportunities in hydrocarbon innovation, software development, and management consulting. His latest game-changing ventures include production of high power, zero carbon fuel directly from natural gas, and development of ‘right here / right now’ data management technology for emergency response. 

Shane Schreiber - Deputy Director Emergency Management for Alberta Government
Brian Cornforth – Fire Chief, Parkland County

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