Requirements Elicitation Resources
During RE Cares we will elicit requirements for an instant messaging system that will run on the emergency portal of Mutual Aid Alberta.
In this section you will find information to get an overview of the context of Mutual Aid Alberta, its emergency portal and all additional resources that may be needed during requirements elicitation.​
Slides about the emergency procedures of Mutual Aid Alberta (MAA)
Checklists for the members of the Incident Support Team of MAA:
Checklist for Incident Commander
Checklist for On-Site Supervisor
Checklist for Public Information Officer
Checklist for Staging Area Manager
Checklist for all members of the Incident Support Team​
BEFORE the Workshop​
​Personas (DRAFT)
User Stories (DRAFT)
Scenarios (DRAFT)
Requirements Notes (DRAFT)
Structured Requirements (DRAFT)
Functional Requirements (DRAFT)
Evaluation: please fill the form here
Hackathon Resources
During RE Cares we will develop a first prototype of the instant messaging system for Mutual Aid Alberta.
In this section you will find information to get prepared to the hackathon sessions dedicated to the development of the prototype.
Development Environment: please have the latest versions of both Ruby and Rails installed
GitHub Repository: to be announced
Rails tutorial: https://www.railstutorial.org/book
GitHub tutorial: https://guides.github.com​