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RE Cares about giving back to society:
Employing RE techniques and hackathon for Alberta


Co-located with RE 2018
Go to RE Cares 2019 page: 
A prototype of Crier, the app supporting the RE Cares 2018 project, has been released, check it out here:

If you want to contribute to its further development, please contact Jared Payne at
Summary of the event: see the slides
Ranger is the IoT solution designed for RE Cares: see the video
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RE Cares is a series of RE sessions and hackathon to work with real stakeholders to elicit and specify requirements, as well as to develop an initial design and prototype early features for a secure, private, instant messaging app to be used by emergency management personnel in Alberta, Canada.
All RE participants are welcome to join RE Cares. We particularly encourage students to join us. Check back here as we start to post early requirements and domain descriptions.



RE Cares is the initiative, along with the 2018 Requirements Engineering conference, intended to help society by adopting the latest software engineering research and practice as applied to important societal problems.


RE Cares is a new undertaking to apply our RE expertise and beyond to social issues and/or philanthropic undertakings in order to show we care and to "do good".


Workshop Format


RE Cares is designed to elicit requirements from multiple stakeholders. We currently have  a representative from Mutual Aid Alberta, a developer from Mutual Aid Alberta, a firefighter, and a government representative.


We will hear the story of Mutual Aid Alberta, their previous and current challenges, and the current app that they request:  a secure, private, instant messaging system that will run on their emergency portal, permitting emergency personnel from diverse provinces and locations to communicate in an integrated fashion.   


During the session, participants will raise questions in order to understand the different needs represented by the stakeholders. Then the participants will discuss requirements that were gathered ahead of time for the instant messaging app as well as continue to gather requirements from the stakeholders. 


Three techniques have been selected for use at RE Cares.  Participants will apply their expertise in assisting with these three techniques to build specifications, to develop initial design, and to prototype a few features.


Website Created by Alessio Ferrari with

The Logo of RE Cares was created by Phyllis Douglas (follow her on Twitter)

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