"The stakeholders were highly communicative and cooperative, and the problem to be solved very interesting, which contributed to the success of the event and to the enjoyment and contribution to the participants.All in all I find that the event was very well organized and managed. It exceeded my highest expectations as a participant"
"I think it did a great job this year already! If we have to add to the experience, it just might be helpful to determine which technique we would apply for requirements beforehand so that time is utlized even more efficiently. I personally like the design thinking approach"
"I hope to see this next year!"
"Generally, a great experience. My problem was not having time with all the activities to attend the beginning sessions. I only attended some later sessions on Thursday, after the requirements analysis. To jump in at that point was very hard. There were only people coding, and the knowledge collected was only in small notes or in Drive. I would suggest to have posters or whiteboards with current designs, models, requirements, or something so people can join in and get an idea of what's going on. Then they can make suggestions perhaps via notes or post-its. Else we don't want to make stupid suggestions or questions to those who are busy deep in code. It's basically a hackathon where people come and go, and this is quite hard, need to find ways to support late entry. Continuous supply of prototypes, else we can just see random code."
"I think that, as an elicitation workshop, it works nicely, while repeating the requirements elicitation sessions during the plenary appears kind of artificial. I'd suggest to keep the plenary to summarisethe results, and treat it as a panel."