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local times
Monday, June 24th - in M122
0900 - 1015 Overview of RE Cares, ADHD Samtökin Presentations
1015-1045 Break
1045 - 1215 Design Evaluation, Requirements Analysis, Creativity Intro
1215 - 1345 Lunch
1345 - 1515 Creativity Exercises and Requirements Elicitation
1515-1545 Break
1545-1710 Creativity Exercises and Requirements Elicitation
1710 - 1730 Wrap-Up
Wednesday, June 26th - in M122
1045-1215 Overview, Stakeholder Presentations, Progress Report and Discussion
Thursday, June 27th - in M122
Room open all day (1045-1730) Design Hackathon
Friday, June 28th - in M101
Closing session (1445-1515) RE Cares Result Report (5 min.)
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