Preliminary Program (to be adjusted)
Monday 31 August, 2020
Requirements Day (all day session, in a workshop room)
Online-Participation is welcome and supported
1:00 - 2:30pm: Introduction.
Opening remarks by RE Cares organizers.
Presentation by stakeholders. Introduction to their problem, motivation, and the desired software.
Short presentation by the organizers: describe what we know at the moment.
Q&A with the stakeholders.
2:30-3:00pm: Break
3:00 - 4:30pm: Breakout elicitation session
Presenting pre-gathered requirements and working on additional requirements.
Sorting of the information elicited thus far into categories.
Breaking of participants into teams dealing with individual categories.
4:30 - 5:00pm Break
5:00 - 6:30pm: Breakout elicitation session
Continuation of the work from morning breakout session
Reporting out: each team provides a quick report to the group
Preparation of Requirements Artifacts (SRS, other documentation). Part of this can be done in breakout groups (depending on how many artifacts need to be prepared).
Immediately after session: ​Official RE Cares Photograph with stakeholders.
Wednesday 2 September, 2020
Design Session
Plenary session: one slide / 2 minutes of time during plenary remarks about RE Cares; call for participation.
Most of the day will be online sessions between participants depending on availability (details to be announced)
Morning and afternoon (10.30-3pm and 5-6.30pm): Design
Crafting of design and Evaluation of design. Different design groups report out on their work. Preparations for hackathon are made.
Thursday 3 September, 2020
Continuous Elicitation and Hackathon
Most of the day will be online sessions between participants depending on availability (details to be announced)
Morning and afternoon (10.30-3pm and 5-6.30pm): RE Cares Hackathon design and development of a prototype
Possible after sessions: RE Cares Hackathon continued: design and development of a prototype
​Friday 4 September, 2020
Wrap-up and Short presentation at the RE'20 Closing Session